
President Obama just announced the termination of the national emergency that President Bush declared with respect to Côte d’Ivoire in Executive Order 13396 back on February 7, 2006.   The U.S. will now support the people and the government of Côte d’Ivoire in their efforts to continue to build the country’s democratic institutions by lifting the economic sanctions that the U.S. had imposed pursuant to the Executive Order 13396.

Today’s announcement is a good example of the various changes that can impact your exports as far as U.S. sanctions go.  How is your company keeping up with the latest news?  When does your export compliance program get updated and how often is it reviewed for accuracy?   Many companies invest the time and money to implement an Export Management and Compliance Program, but forget to audit it on a regular basis for updates.    If you need help with your EMCP or perhaps it is time for an EMCP audit, please contact Matilda at matilda@merittradeservices.com.